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St. Stevens Baptist Chruch Return to Worship


Sign Up Form

Please use the Sign-up form below for those who would like to attend church services on Sundays.
There will be a 10 AM Service and 11:30 AM Service.
There is a 40 percent capacity limit and we would like for everyone to first sign up for the 10 AM Service before anyone signs up for the 11:30 AM Service,
In-person Sunday Morning Services.
Please use the form below to first sign up for the 10 AM Service until the registration is closed and then use the 11:30 AM Sign-up registration.

Upcoming Events

  •  In-person 11:30 AM Sunday Service
     In-person 11:30 AM Sunday Service
    Sun, Jan 17
    St Stevens Baptist Church
    Jan 17, 2021, 11:30 AM EST
    St Stevens Baptist Church, 19075 York Rd, Stevensburg, VA 22741, USA
    Jan 17, 2021, 11:30 AM EST
    St Stevens Baptist Church, 19075 York Rd, Stevensburg, VA 22741, USA
    Sign-up form for the 11:30 AM In-person Sunday Service. Please read the Return to Worship Guidance before attending service.
  • In-person 10 AM Sunday Service
    In-person 10 AM Sunday Service
    Sun, Jan 17
    St Stevens Baptist Church
    Jan 17, 2021, 10:00 AM EST
    St Stevens Baptist Church, 19075 York Rd, Stevensburg, VA 22741, USA
    Jan 17, 2021, 10:00 AM EST
    St Stevens Baptist Church, 19075 York Rd, Stevensburg, VA 22741, USA
    Sign-up form for the 10 AM In-person Sunday Service. Please read the Return to Worship Guidance before attending service.

St Stevens Baptist Church Return to Worship Guidance


We thank God for the ability to return to worship services on a limited basis. To prevent the spread of COVID 19, we must take steps to ensure that our worship experience is safe and will not increase transmission of COVID 19. This guidance may change if required by the recommendations of national, state and local authorities. Recommendations regarding public gathering size and best practices to decrease disease transmission will be adhered to. Frequently touched surfaces in the vestibule and sanctuary are sanitized and a disinfecting/cleaning procedure will be performed before services. Facial tissues and hand sanitizer are available. Hand fans and drinking water are available by request.


Please stay home if you have any of the following symptoms:


Tiredness (unusual fatigue)


Chest pain or pressure, Body aches


Sore throat


A rash on skin, or discoloration of fingers or toes


Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath


Fever 100.4 or greater




Cough, with or without mucous (phlegm)


Loss of taste or sense of smell


New onset of diarrhea, stomach upset, without cause


Please stay 6 feet away from others, even if you are wearing a mask. Do not shake hands and avoid hugging. Please sanitize your hands when you enter the church. Hand sanitizer is available in the vestibule for you to use.


The bathrooms in the vestibule are now designated as “unisex” and can be used by males and females. Toilet seat covers are available. Please knock before entering the bathroom. Wash your hands for 20 seconds and dry them thoroughly after using the bathroom. If the changing table is used, please use a sanitizing wipe to clean the surfaces before and after using the changing table.


Your temperature will be checked using an infrared thermometer (“non-contact” or “IR” thermometer). If your temperature is 100.4 or greater, you will be asked to leave. It is recommended that you isolate (stay away from others, including individuals in your immediate household, if possible), monitor your symptoms and report them to your primary care provider. If you develop severe symptoms, please seek out medical attention immediately. Please wear a mask when going to the hospital or going to see your provider.


Please use the sanctuary entrance on the right side. Upon entering the sanctuary, please begin filling seats in the rear of the sanctuary first. This will decrease disruption of the recording process for the service. The ushers will direct you if you are uncertain about which door to use. When exiting the sanctuary, please use the doors on the right. Proceed to the church exit immediately and please avoid congregating in the vestibule. An offering drop box is available. We encourage use of electronic donations or checks when possible.


Thank you for doing your part to ensure that we can continue to have a joyous fellowship and safe worship experience!

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